Saturday, August 16, 2008

BANG! It Worked!

Hey, Ho In The Know, IT WORKED!! After using your instructions and visual aid (nice arrow markers, by the way), I got a beautiful, perfect bind off. The problem of why I only had two stitches instead of three was solved when I realized that even though the instructions said "K2," I was reading it as "K2tog." Duh. So thank you for your illuminating help! Now I get to sew the sides together using the magical invisible weaving for garter stitch, line the thing with bright orange fabric, and put on a strap. Voila, bella!

I got Last Minute Knitted Gifts from the library and am thinking about doing drawstring bags (like the ones you brought to Surfside), big enough to hold a bottle of wine, for the w(h)ine group girls. We'll see....

Thanks again, Smart Ho!

--Don't Know Ho

p.s. I completely support your potato chips and ice cream move.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

You be the Ho in the Know. I-Cord bind offs, magical invisible garter stitch seams....will the list never end for new territories ventured into? Can not wait to see the finished product - perhaps with a beautiful black, fluffy cat modeling it.

My own feather and fan stole in gorgeous turquoise silky wool is still in the process. It will be posted eventually, fully blocked and with a stunning brooch I hope. Next time I'll remember "pick the project then the yarn". Oh well, I still love the yarn and I'm looking forward to wearing it.

BTW, thanks for noticing the arrow markers. I was hoping you would!

Ho Wanting to Know