Saturday, September 27, 2008

The ABQ chapter of the Knittle Ho's held their first meeting last Thursday, hosted by Jenn, Chris, Smokey and Ryder. Jenn made a very delicious dinner of pasta with a tomato, artichoke, garlic and pinon pesto, which was so good that it practically made us forget all about knitting. We managed to pull ourselves together, though, and once the meeting was officially called to order, the first order of bidness was to take a picture of Ryder for her grandmama:

Ryder liked her dinner, too.

Next, we opened the knitting boxes (w00t! what fun!) and selected our colors. Jenn chose the sage green and I chose the winter white.

The first lesson was in winding the yarn into a ball. Neither Jenn nor I could find the end of the yarn that would allow us to pull from the middle of the skein, so we got to rolling:

We call the following picture "Angry Knitters." We're edgy that way. We have attitude. We're all hip and gangsta-like. Please note: there is one ho missing from all these pictures. Where is our Tulsa Ho?

Guess who was lurking around the edges, just waiting for a lucky moment to nab some yarn?

Ryder finally saw her opportunity and went for it. I think she targeted the weak link knitter.

It took some time to negotiate a release for the yarn hostage. Battle lines were drawn, blood was shed, but eventually the yarn was returned to its rightful owner. And then, of course, it was time for a snack.

Jenn and I both got a good start on our scarves. I love how easy the pattern is and how quickly it knits up. We're planning our second meeting in a week. All hail to the Tulsa Ho, who orchestrated this fun project! Thanks for sending the beautiful yarn and all the implements--it made for such a fun night, and many more to come!
On a final note: that girl ain't right.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ryder's grandmama was so happy to be privy to the party. Ryder is growing into a beautiful young kitty, such panther like qualities. She appears to have lost her baby fuzz. Does she still have brown tiger stripings in her coat? Give that girl a big kiss for me and tell her that Solly and Gomez approve of her yarn nabbing. They said she is growing up to be a respectable cat. Well, Gomez said that, Solly can be a little jealous at times.

Looks like the ABQ Knittle Hos are off to a roaring start. Yeah, finding the end of the yarn is a lesson in itself. This Tulsa Knittle Ho is lonesome without her counterparts, but the pictures help. So glad you like the yarn, etc. and had fun opening it. So glad too that I couldn't resist the sage green yarn the second time around.

We definitely need to hear from our 'knewest' Ho on the scarf project as well as instructions for fixing that delectable pasta. It's been a while since we've had delectable or delicious around here. Today it was state fair food, and there's nothin' wrong with that.

On that note I end.